Aug.26, 2018

Participation at the event “Film & Recital
produced by Kayoko Ishinabe”


      Introduction of the society, fashions and arts during La Belle Époque in France, and one of the silent movies of the era, “Coeur de Femme — a woman’s heart”(by Kayoko Ishinabe)
   Screening of the silent movie accompanied by the piano improvisation by Satsuki Hoshino who is acclaimed in Paris for her creative performance, followed by her recital of the works of French “Impressionism” composers who interpreted “light and shadow” in their music.
   nibi presents dresses, thinking of the colorful Belle Époque and beautiful l’art nouveau flourished in the end of the 19th century.


Date: August 26, 2018 (Mon) 13:30 —16:20
Venue: Agnes Hall, The Agnes — Hotel & Apartment, Tokyo
Event Title: La Belle Époque — Dozing off to a dream

“Film & Recital” produced by Kayoko Ishinabe


8/26 石鍋香代子プロデュース シネマ&コンサート に参加。


ベルエポックのフランス社会、風俗、芸術と無声映画「女心」のご案内 石鍋香代子



日時 8月26日(日)13:30~16:20
場所 アグネスホテル東京内 アグネスホール
石鍋香代子プロデュース シネマ&コンサート